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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Nanduben Proves There Is No Age Limit for Learning & Education

There is no age for learning. From the moment we are born to the moment we die, we are continuously learning something new. However, owing to certain societal norms education is offered only in the primary years of life. Only a handful continue to pursue education even at later stages in life. For women and girls, the opportunities are very limited.

In rural areas, women are restricted from education much earlier in life and prevent their growth.

Nanduben Ajit Kumar, a resident of Ahmedabad, after graduating class 10, got happily married to the man of her parent’s choice. Today, she has been married for 23 years and works as a cook and domestic help to earn a living. She goes on from one to another with an ambition to learn new things every day.


One of her biggest aspirations is to upskill herself with the basics of operating a computer. In her experience, Nanduben believes that it is never too late to learn and educate oneself. This prompted her to take up a program offered by BharatCares at the Vejalpur Centre - Digital Financial Literacy and Basic Computer Training Program.

This allowed her to access tutors who support and assist enthusiastically. This kept her urge for learning alive. At the centre, Nanduben is one of the most enthusiastic learners. At the age of 47, she carried a peaceful mind, filled with happiness.

She says, “BharatCares is doing a great work as there is no age for learning as it is a lifetime process.”

Nanduben Ajit Kumar is an inspiration to women with dreams of learning and growing.

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