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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Prioritizing Education, This Family Went Over and Above For Their Son

Education is important for everybody, whether they are learning new facts, skills, or trades. Having the opportunity to learn always benefits the individual.

Meet Jivan, a hardworking and dedicated student of class 5. This young boy has a special talent. Though he is in class 5, he has the ability to solve mathematical problems of class 7.

He comes from a family of six sisters. His mother is a domestic worker and his father is a cook at a local hotel. Being the only son of the family, Jivan received all the support from his parents and siblings growing up. At the outbreak of covid 19 he was devastated as he had no access to education or any form of learning.


There was a big break as many students and schools were struggling to adjust to the digital transformation.

Jivan's family wanted to provide him with an avenue to learn life skills, further develop his knowledge and interact with new people while he waited for school to resume. Upon further research, they stumbled upon the Digital Learning Centre at Balaji Nagar, launched by BharatCares.

At the centre, Jivan was happy to have access to digital tablets which had many books to read, unlike the library at his school. He enjoys studying Math, English, and learning new concepts on the computer.

For Jivan, the DLC plays a crucial role in building his confidence and teaching important things necessary for his future.

Jivan aspires to grow up and become a software engineer.

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