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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Breaking Societal Stereotypes, This Mother Chose Education For Her Daughter

To Indian parents, society matters more than their child. Their pride and value in the society is defined by their children’s actions rather than their own. But being an aggressive, pushy parent can damage your child’s self-esteem beyond repair. The goal of good parenting is to raise individuals who shall be exemplary human beings and ideal citizens.

Teach your children to nurture dreams which shall benefit society and mankind.

Meet Preeti, a young girl studying in class 8 at Aurangabad. She lives in a small home with her mother who is a famer. She is the sole earning member in their family, but has been able to make ends meet. She also ensures that her daughter attends school.


However, when the pandemic struck, Preeti’s mother could not go to work regularly and earn a living. This affected her education as the school feed could not be paid. Apart from that, since classes had shifted to an online mode, the family could not afford to install internet connection and purchase digital devices.

Lacking education, her mother felt pushed back to a corner and was worried that society would judge her. Because having a young girl at home who is neither studying or getting married was frowned upon. For the following weeks, Khushi was forced to do household chores and help her mother at home, to stay occupied. But, her mother continued to look for alternative solutions.

That is when she stumbled upon Bharat E Shiksha program launched in their neighborhood. Understanding the importance of education, Preeti’s mother was immediately convinced to enroll her daughter for classes.

Leaving all the barriers behind, Preeti began attending regular classes. She has been hardworking and dedicated since. She is growing, learning, and aspiring to become an army officer in the future.

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