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Monetary & Familial Struggles Never Stopped This Young Girl From Dreaming Big

Being technologically sound and knowledgeable about computers is a must these days to get a job. Not only are existing jobs being redefined, but also new jobs are being created presenting new demands. Knowledge about technology and the skills to use them are often called digital literacy.

Digital literacy is directly related to the individual’s employability which is represented by the combination of factors and processes which enable people to get employed and to stay in employment or to move on in the workplace.

Nirva Sachaniya, a resident of Ahmedabad, has passed her 12th grade and aspires to be an Aerospace Engineer. However, she comes from a family that is not financially sound. Living in a big family of ten, Nirval’s father is a local contractor, and her mother is a homemaker. But this never stopped the young girl from dreaming.


To achieve her dream, Nirva would need technological skills to operate computers, equipment, and other technology. Realising this, she began her quest to learn computers.

This prompted her to register for BharatCares' new program - Digital Financial Literacy and Basic Computer Training Program. Here, she could learn essential skills not only about computers, but also about topics like net banking, digital wallets, social media, and more.

Nirva says, “I learn a lot from my daily lessons at the centre. The teachers are calm, and we appreciate their attempts to give us the essential life skills. Thank you for the chance, BharatCares.”

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