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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Forced to Quit School, This Young Boy Rushed At The First Opportunity To Continue His Education

Every child has a big dream for their future. Some want to be astronauts or engineers while others want to be artists or performers. But many never get the chance to live their dreams.

This hurdle is caused by factors like lack of adequate facilities for education and poverty.

The Covid-19 pandemic impacted the Indian education system and forced schools to conduct classes virtually. Rural areas struggled to cope with this change as there was a lack of resources and digital facilities.


Het Vaghela, a student of class 6 hails from Ahmedabad, Gujarat. With the onset of the pandemic, his studies got impacted owing to a lack of resources at his home. His family had just one smartphone that was being shared among three other family members.

Being the youngest amongst his siblings, he was given the last priority to use the smartphone. So, he had to miss the online classes regularly and got very little access to learning.

But, being a bright learner and hard worker, when he heard about the BharatCares Digital Learning Centre at Vejalpur he rushed to register himself. Today, he attends classes regularly, loves to read storybooks, and in his free time, he does art and craft.

He says, “I am fond of the activities conducted on Saturdays as they are very interesting. I appreciate the efforts being put in by BharatCares and for helping me continue my education.”

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