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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Despite Being Forced to Discontinue Studies This Young Did Not Lose Hope

Education always had persistent issues such as access, continuity, learning gaps, among other issues which exacerbate dropouts; the pandemic has added newer challenges and amplified a few others.

Shiva Dwivedi, a class 10 student of Jagat Jeet Inter College, Uttar Pradesh, is well-known among his peers as a hard-working boy. He lives in a low-income family with his parents and siblings, and his father is the sole earning member.

During the pandemic, his father was unable to find work, earn a living, and their family faced all kinds of difficulties. This affected Shiva too as he was not able to concentrate on his studies. When the online classes were started, owing to financial problems he could not get an internet connection.


But Shiva did not lose hope. He kept looking for various opportunities to continue his education. That is when he joined Bharat E Shiksha centre. Here, he got a great opportunity to learn life skills and access the digital facilities he needed to attend school. Today, the centre is Shiva’s happy place. He can make friends and approach teachers who are helpful and clear all doubts about challenging topics.

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