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Class 8 Student Does A Little Happy Dance After Using A Laptop For The First Time

Children celebrate every small milestone with a little happy dance. When a toddler learns to walk they get excited to explore, when they learn the alphabets they want to speak more, or when they learn to read and write they want to study more.
Monika, a class 8 student at the Aurangabad Digital Literacy Centre (DLC) is doing her little happy dance because she has learnt how to use a laptop for the first time. This may seem like a simple feat to many of us but this is a huge deal for girls like Monika.

Currently, Indians feature among the largest users of What’sApp, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others, globally. But these numbers are not evenly spread across all sections of our society, the access to technology is restricted to only a privileged few.


Addressing this divide, Monika along with other youngsters attended the digital literacy session organized under the Bharat e-Shiksha Teach 20 program. This was conducted at the Aurangabad DLC, once a week, to improve their technology skills. The program aims to raise literacy levels in rural areas and impart functional knowledge to young people.

Monika says, “I am very excited as using a digital device is something new and challenging for me.” The sessions were guided by Mr Suraj and students were taught basic ICT tools. This included how to create folders, learning key functions, file conversions, using Microsoft Word and more.

Monika felt these sessions were an empowering tool for adolescents like her. Now she confidently says, “I can operate a computer by myself and fill school-related forms without depending on others for help.”

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