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After Receiving a Second Chance At Education, This Young Girl Aspires To Be a Teacher

In Indian families, especially rural areas, girl children play the role of a second mother. They are expected to shoulder the responsibilities of household chores such as looking after the sibling, fetching water, collecting wood, cleaning, cooking etc, and eventually discourage them from attending school. Factors like poverty, gender bias, gender-based violence also act as barriers for a girl child's education.
Radhika Bhada, a resident of Pune, experienced these struggles firsthand. She faced gender-based discrimination while growing up and was not given equal opportunities as her male siblings.

During the pandemic when schools were made remote and classes happened virtually, Radhika had to drop out of school. The family was sharing one smartphone and the male children were given priority to use the device.


Despite all the hurdles, a ray of hope arrived when Radhika was enrolled into the Digital Learning Center (DLC) launched by BharatCares at Balaji Nagar, Pune. The center conducts virtual sessions on topics like menstrual health, the importance of self-esteem, awareness of underage drinking, bullying, mental health, nutrition, and career development and so on. Regular activities like book reading also impart life skills to the students.

Whenever Radhika walks into the center, she carries the burden and tiredness on her face, from doing chores. However, once she receives the tab to start her lessons, she automatically starts smiling.

Radhika believes that #Bharateshiksha and its Community DLC model is a blessing to girls like her as they can access inclusive education. At such a young age, she aspires to contribute to the promotion of girl education in her locality and beyond.

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