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Access to Online Classes Gives This Young Girl A Secure Future

Education is central to development and to the improvement of the lives of young people globally. Knowledge and education are key factors to the full and effective participation of youth in the processes of social, economic and political development.

Although academic skills remain important, they are not sufficient to foster thoughtful, productive, and engaged citizens. Young people everywhere need to develop a greater breadth of skills to evaluate and apply knowledge in ways that meet the new demands of our changing social and economic landscape.

They say class 10 is the stepping stone into one’s career. Not only do students learn advanced lessons but also acquire life skills necessary for a secure future. Lakshmi, a resident of Ramtekdi is at the turning point of her life.


Hailing from an economically weak background, Lakshmi is passionate towards academics and aspired to transform her family’s financial crisis by becoming an engineer. However, the pandemic caused a halt to her education. Owing to the financial constraints she was unable to access the resources necessary to study online. For a few months, Lakshmi could barely study as she did not attend any classes. But she was determined to change her situation and continue learning. So, she joined the Digital Learning Centre at Ramtekdi, Pune. Here she attends regular classes at no cost.

Today, Lakshmi believes that the DLC has made a difference in her education. She says that learning through screens, browser tabs, and videos has contributed to better concentration and understanding of topics.’

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